wr. wb
This time i am writing a post
about the song what i liked when karoke. Although sounds good to hear i'm not
hehe but i love to sing and sing karoke good in bathroom, while walking, or
while working on task college. I am very fond of music yang wing dangdut and
wither. I love music dangdut and the reason because dangdut melayu invite
people to dance, and music wilt because of the meaning and rhythm nice and
lovely to hear. Dangdut songs i'm singing to karaoke is a dangdut song titled
"Muara Kasih Bunda" sings Erie Susan, i love this song because this
song is very touching to remain loyal to the mother because a mother's
sacrifice for her child. Besides, malay songs that i like and i sing karoke was
the song "Ijuk" sung by Iyeth Bustami. I love this song because the
music Ijuk nice and beautiful and the lyrics heard a few words khiasan which
means very nice for someone who fit in the circumstances hehe. Other than that
i love this song because when the second high school in 2015 farewell yesterday
we brought both of these songs to fill a farewell show.
wr. wb
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